BEN Drowned

Although I don’t usually like to cover video game and lost episode creepypasta, I’m having a hard time finding any new creepypasta. Now trust me, there’s TONS of creepypasta, but alot of the good ones are buried over remakes and similar creepypasta, and with school and everything else, I just don’t have time. Though, one of my friends told me of a certain thing that I will definitely going to cover, but that’s in the future. So, I thought I would come back to one of the most famous creepypastas, Ben Drowned.

Now, I have covered ghosts in the past, including haunted games. Ghosts are a touchy subject, as there’s proof towards it, and then there’s proof against it. But anyway, let’s just skip the ghost part and go straight to reality. If this game is haunted, and if all this creepy stuff that isn’t programmed into the game, could the cartridge hold all of that? Sure, there are some very creepy things in Majora’s Mask, heck, someone could easily make a creepypasta about it, but when you add in all of these extra sprites, such as Ben’s face, the levitate and burst into flames move, and save files being brought back to life, could the n64 cartridge handle all of it? The answer is absolutely NO. The way n64 cartridges are made is that it’s not meant to hold anything more than what is originally put in there. And, with a little bit of research, Majora’s Mask has 64MB, or 64 Megabytes of data, the max a n64 cartridge could ever hold. So, how do all these other sprites fit in? Well, one might say that it’s just unused content from the game, but then there’s the catch. Since Majora’s Mask was such a huge game, they couldn’t have such luxuries, because they filled it to the brim with content. So the question remains, how does it work?

Well, sure, there’s video proof, and it’s pretty good too, but that doesn’t mean he still isn’t just blatantly lieing to us. Yes, we can see in the videos that the content does in fact exist, but none of the videos shows him putting the cartridge in and the n64 booting up, or his dorm. And because we don’t see the actual n64. He could easily of hacked the cartridge, or be using an emulator. So no matter what, the story always seems to fall a little short. And so, I say this is…


It’s just not realistic and there’s no telling what he did. So as of right now, unless there is more proof I skipped over, this just ins’t right. Also, sorry on the late release date, as I was really trying to find a creepypasta to do, and so I had to use my last resort. Next post will be on the 5th so be looking forward to it!